Photography Investment

Memories of a lifetime starting from $3800 + gst

  • up to 8 hours coverage

  • sneak peak photos in 48 hours

  • full gallery deliver in 4 - 6 weeks

  • consultation and wedding planning guide

Sydney wedding photographer, Sydney wedding photography, Southern Highlands wedding photographer, Wollongong wedding photographer, Bowral wedding photography

A La Carte / add on and extras

Engagement Session from $750+gst

Best time to get to know your photographer, be comfortable in front of the camera and get some photo for your save the dates

Fine art album from $990 + gst

A truely beautiful way to show off your wedding photos. The quality and unique craftsmanship of this album is worth every penny

Sydney wedding photographer, Sydney wedding photography, Southern Highlands wedding photographer, Wollongong wedding photographer, Bowral wedding photography


Our videography service is exclusively offered as an add-on or supplementary feature to our photography packages. This means that it cannot be booked independently. However, when you book our photography services as part of a package, you have the option to include videography as an additional service. This approach allows us to ensure that both your photography and videography needs are met comprehensively, providing you with a complete visual documentation of your special moments."